Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Monday (3/21/16), our sweet poodle, Blue, passed away suddenly. He was sick on Sunday, then gone between 4 and 5 in the morning. I found him under my bed.

Blue was a good boy. I will miss him spinning in circles and barking when the M*A*S*H theme played at night because he knew it was almost time for bed and he wanted his goodnight treat. He would keep spinning and barking while everyone was still up, whether he already got a treat (or two, or three). 

He was a cuddly dog. His favorite spot was either on my mom's lap or on the other recliner. Sometimes I'd try to sit there, but he'd sneak behind me and steal most the cushion. Sometimes I'd move so he could take up the whole recliner, and he'd look at me as if he was saying, "Finally."

We'd get in the occasional staring contest. Blue never blinked.

When he wasn't ready to be out and about on the mornings I didn't have to work but my mom had to be up before me, he'd come lay in bed. 

He was such a momma's boy, too. Wherever my mom went, he was sure to follow. We loved him. Until we meet again, Blue Bear. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sometimes I worry that I spend so much effort not saying things that the words are beginning to hide away deep inside where even I can't find them. I've never been one for conflict, for speaking up, and I'm very doubtful that what I have to say actually does any good. Now I'm struggling to even put words into fiction. What is happening?