Friday, May 26, 2017

As the days go by, I have felt a strange stress, and it's absolutely absurd but here it is: So many books, so little time.

I know, I know, but hear me out. Every night when I go to bed, I look over at my three shelves across from me and it is filled with the books I haven't read yet. Filled with those books I had to have, purchased, and haven't even cracked them open. They all look wonderful. And yet some of them I purchased years ago.

Right now I'm reading 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King. Though I haven't read many of King's works, the ones I have were pretty fascinating. I've read The Mist, The Shining, Firestarter, Carrie, and Misery. Of those, I think Misery has been my favorite. 

But there are so many, so very many, books that I want to tackle this year. I have several series in my possession, stand-alone novels, and there are paperbacks that my parents own that I wouldn't mind browsing through. That doesn't even include the items on my To-Read list on Goodreads that I can't wait to snag. 

I want to read them all. I want to write my own books (currently struggling with a crushing weight with this one, but I blab about it all the time, so I won't delve deeper into that topic). I want to learn to play music (I bought a guitar, and I have no idea why at this point). I want to get out and explore the world. I want to figure out the big question: Who do I want to be? 

But I feel as if I have no time. Or the time I finally have is wasted when I'm too much of lump to actually achieve anything.

I want to start reviewing books, really reviewing them. Maybe in the process of that, I'd learn more about what it takes to write really well. Maybe it will give me my drive back.

Sometimes I wonder if I just need to sit down and plan out every day of every week in the year. But that sounds like so much effort, and quite frankly, where's the fun of having your day totally planned? There's a little freedom in flying by the seat of your pants. I just need to actually learn how to successfully fly instead of crashing and burning.

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