Sunday, February 14, 2016


What is love? My first response is, "Baby, don't hurt me." Now that Haddaway is going to be stuck in my head the remainder of the evening, I think on this question more seriously. What is love?

No matter what kind of love we're talking about--from your family, from your lover, from your friend--there are qualities that are the same. There are words to go along with the idea of love. Kindness, selflessness, patience, empathy, forgiveness, understanding... When you love someone, you want to spend time with them, you value them, you listen to them, you put them first above other things that aren't as important, you put just as much effort into whatever kind of relationship you have as they do, you encourage them, you help them grow, you grow for them, too. You're there for them, you hurt when they hurt, you're happy when they're happy, and you'd do all you can to make them smile, to heal their wounds, to make them feel important.

I'm blessed with family and friends who love me. 

However, I've never been in love with a man, and I don't know how the romantic version of love really feels, But this is what I imagine...

That when I know I'm going to see him that day, I'm excited. When he messages me, I smile, happy to talk to him. When he holds me, I feel warm and safe, that I'm just as comfortable with him as I would be by myself. I'd rather be with him than by myself, actually, and that'll be a big deal for me. There will be laughter, easygoing conversation or conversation where we both have so much to say that it goes on for hours. but then there will be moments of quiet where we're relaxed and able to enjoy time together without filling it with chatter. When I see him pull up to my house, my heart will beat a little faster. When he kisses me, I'll lean in with just as much enthusiasm, and maybe--just maybe--the world will tilt beneath me for even the slightest moment. I picture love to be comfortable, exciting, peaceful, certain... A good thing, not something that causes me stress, not something that I feel I'm forcing myself into.

When we fight, we might turn from each other to cool off, but we'll never go without apologizing and reaching a solution. When I feel poorly, psychologically or otherwise, I'll feel I can talk to him and I'll want to, even. 

Good. It'll feel good. It won't be the answer to every problem I have, it won't cure me of the ailments I suffer through, but it will be one of many lights to my life. I'll be happy.

Love is good. Happy Valentine's Day. May you celebrate love--and don't stop after today. Make love our celebration all through the year and whatever days follow it. 

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