Thursday, June 30, 2016

July's Camp NaNoWriMo

Last post was about April's Camp NaNoWriMo, and now here I am, waiting for midnight so July's Camp can begin. Has it really been that long? It doesn't feel like it.

Time seems to be passing faster than it has ever before. I think it must be my age. The older I get, the blurrier life gets as it races by. It's a little terrifying. 

I'm excited for my project this Camp. I'm tackling fantasy, which I have dabbled in with past projects, but I've never gotten very far with anything I've messed around with. Once upon a time, I was trying to write a fantasy trilogy (which blew chunks), and then moved on to a different series (which I never finished), but that was so long ago I can barely remember how it felt to be immersed in the world of magic. 

Past books were about planets with fire-breathing serpents, or children visiting their grandfather and realizing they're sorcerers. This is going to be much different. This book will be a stand-alone novel about witches. Unfortunately I'm not very planned out for it being the day before NaNo, so I'm hoping to sit down and crank out some basic outlines before midnight.

I haven't been able to write for months. This project is going to change that. I know it. 

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