Monday, September 26, 2016


I am closer to publishing my second novel, and I'm very excited and nervous. It has had positive feedback from my beta readers, and though I still have things I want to work on, I'm pretty proud of it. More details as the publishing date draws closer (though no date is set in stone).

On that note, I'd just like to say how grateful I am for the people in my life willing to read my work. Some mainly respond to how they enjoyed the story as a whole, others give it a thorough look-through to catch typos and grammar mistakes, but I need both to help motivate me. Without the support from family and friends (most of which are fellow writers), I don't think I'd get as far as I am.

Today I said goodbye to my other blogging site, tumblr. I could make a list to explain my decision to write a last post there, but in the end, I have spent much time on it and I'm ready to devote my time elsewhere. I've had fun on it, but there was also a negative feeling every time I logged on (not directed at me, but there was definitely a lot of negativity on the site). I want to focus on my writing, my reading, and blogging here as I get more personal when I type up text posts. 

These past few months, I've spent time with my family and friends, as I enjoy doing, and I'm also starting to reconnect at church, getting myself to go more often. I've enjoyed the couple of Sundays I went to the single's ward. (Still not dating, though lately I've wondered if I need to start working on me, deciding what I want, before I pursue relationships). There are a lot of questions I have, anxieties I feel, doubts that live inside me, and I want to know what would make me happy. That's my quest: happiness.

(Yes, I know happiness is a journey, not a destination, but who doesn't say they want to find what makes them happy?)

Oh, and I have a kitten now. His name is Simba. 

My brother, Braden, got him for his son, Kason, but they weren't able to keep him. Kason loves The Lion King and named him Simba, so I kept the name. 

Simba's a little bit of a devil. He likes to bring in grasshoppers to practice hunting, but his other favorite pastime is lying under my foot so I could rub his back while he paws at the carpet and sucks on it like he's nursing. I love him, even when he drives me crazy.

Life has been good. I'm going to Yellowstone with my friends this weekend, and NaNoWriMo will be here in November; I need to pick an idea and plan it out. My birthday's also coming up, and I'll be 24. I can't believe that!

To happiness. To finding it and choosing it. 

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