Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year's Eve

Another year has come and almost gone. For many, 2016 was nothing short of a disaster. We had a lot of deaths, tragedies, and the drama of this year's Presidential election has really taken a toll on us. But it hasn't all been bad.

There have been really good days spent with family and friends. I've read good books. Seen good movies. 

I didn't achieve some of my goals, which I'm not surprised about. Honestly, I forgot what they even were. The one that sticks out is reading 100 books. I only read 86. Close, but not quite. I'm going to attempt that one again for 2017.

There are other things I'd like to do. Adventures I'd like to go on, goals I'd like to meet. This time I'm going to type out a list, print it out, and hang it somewhere I can see it every day. I know there are people who don't understand New Year's Resolutions. Most people break them within the first few days. Most, like me, forget them. 

But here's the magic behind a new year. It's a whole year long. 365 days. The amount of opportunity in each day is incredible. We can make a change at any time we desire. 

New Year's Eve is the time to reflect on the past twelve months and decide what could make the next ones even better. Changes could be made, or new goals could be set and achieved. It's exciting to start a new chapter.

So Happy New Year's Eve. And may 2017 be everything you want, and may you have the courage and opportunities to make that happen.   

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