Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Have a Merry Christmas! 

Like every year, this day is passing too quickly. In fact, the whole month seems to have blown by. I can't believe we're already here.

I am grateful for the beautiful gifts I've received from loved ones. I'm even more grateful for the opportunity to give them presents that they love. It's very enjoyable to watch people opening something I've purchased for them, or sometimes made them, and see them smiling because I didn't do too bad of a job. 

I'm trying to keep the reason for the season in my mind and in my heart today. We celebrate the ultimate gift, our Savior, and his birth. 

This year, I'd like to be more like him and love without limits like he did. There are so many lessons to take from Christ, from his service to his patience and his heart. 

2017 has the potential to be as fantastic as I make it. I want to be a better person. I want to bring the sort of happiness into others' lives like a simple thoughtful gift does at Christmas. 

Be safe. Be joyous. Be loving. Be merry.

Happy holidays!

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