Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Election 2016

I've never been more terrified of candidates for the President of the United States. From the Republican party, we have Donald Trump, who is one of the worst choices I've ever seen and I can't understand how he managed to be the Republican candidate to this day. He's vile, he's insulting, he's loud (and he'll say whatever to get his supporters pumped up even if he doesn't understand it himself). Trump is not a good man. From the Democratic party, we have Hillary Clinton, and I don't care that she's a woman and it would be a great moment in history for women to have one elected as President, because she is a traitor and has blood on her hands. She should be in prison, not running for our nation's leader. Honestly, I think this whole thing's a ploy, because the only way Clinton would have a chance of winning is if her opponent is literally the worst possible choice, and look here, we just happen to have such an opponent. 

I do not feel good about this race. Even if my voice is not heard by the vote I do cast, I will vote as I see best, as my conscience tells me. We have a fool and a criminal. There's very little patriotism left. There is violence and hatred. There is a huge divide in the country.

I hate talking politics, truly I do. Part of the reason is I don't feel as knowledgeable as I should be, so I don't want to just spit off incorrect information and argue points that really don't exist. The other reason is I do respect other people's rights to choose, and I know their opinions will not always match mine. I never want to make someone feel like they're stupid, or being fooled, or that they're lesser than me. But it is impossible to avoid talking about this race, as it's going to have such a massive impact on our country, as well as the rest of the world. 

We the people should have risen together and demanded worthy candidates. But we the people are no longer a people united. We're two different sides, yelling louder and louder trying to be heard. Everything is going to fall apart. 

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