Sunday, November 20, 2016

Short Stories

I already know I need to totally rewrite this current novel. It's awful. But the one positive thing is that it's given me an opportunity to play with short stories. I've always been fascinated by an author's ability to tell a start-to-finish tale in the form of a short story. 

Louis L'Amour wrote many of them. I love his work, but I haven't read many of his collections. I'm more acquainted with his full length novels, but I really need to pick up more of his short stories. That and check out other people's work. If I'm going to start writing more short stories, I'll need to study them a little better.

Originally I pulled up this blog post to complain about writing myself into corners and feeling like a failure at my work and that there are so many brilliant writers out there, and I'm definitely not one of them. What good is that? I love it. I want to get better at it. If I pick something to study, to practice at, I'll improve. But if I just sulk in the kitchen, where I'm writing from the table, I'll never get anywhere. I'll quit.

I can't live with myself if I let that happen. 

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