Wednesday, November 23, 2016


It's the day before Thanksgiving. A lot of people do challenges the entire month of November, where they post what they're grateful for once a day. I should have done something like that, spent more of this month with a thankful attitude for all that I have instead of focusing so much on and complaining about what I don't have. If I made a list of things I don't have in my life compared to what I do, one can definitely tell how fortunate I am.

The biggest "don't have" would probably be: I don't have a clue what I want out of life. That's something I need to figure out ASAP.

But here is a list of what I do:

My family
My friends
Awesome coworkers
A job
A place to live
Money to buy books
My puppies and kitties
Parents who cook delicious food for me to eat
An education
A car
Clothing to keep me warm
A bed
Clean water
Heating and air condition

That's only what I could think of on the top of my head. There are vaguer things, like the fact I usually laugh at least once a day, even on my worst days. 

This is a good life. There are things I wish I would change, but all in all, there's not much to complain about. Especially when I humble myself and realize that I have a life others would want if they could have it. I can always look both ways. I can find someone who has a life I view as better than mine, but there is someone who would love what I have. 

With tomorrow being Thanksgiving, I want to seriously contemplate on the blessings. This year hasn't been the best, but if we keep holding onto the beauty and the light around us, we can't lose hope. 

Happy Thanksgiving. May tomorrow be wonderful. 

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