Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween/NaNoWriMo Eve

Happy Halloween! October is my favorite month, but this year, it just didn't feel the same. I have been very busy, and stressed out from work, but today was a pretty good day.

Yesterday, my friends Jayna and Jessica threw a Halloween party. I didn't know if I was going to go; Saturday I was sick at work and ended up in the doctor's office with my mom, and we both have sinus infections. But I felt good enough Sunday to join in on the fun for a little while. I dressed up like a hunter from one of my favorite TV shows, Supernatural. My dad made me an awesome stake to stab some vampires (actually I was asked a couple times if I was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is also cool with me).

Also, my dad made me feel good by telling me I rocked the look. I did really like wearing the boots I had on with my leather jacket. Made me feel like I could kick some butt! (Although I think anyone who is capable of really kicking butt probably never says it like that, especially not in a blog post.)

Today I wanted to be something different, so I chose to dress up like my biggest foe, the worst monster in the world. Monday.

Some people at work didn't get it, but that's okay. This is how I feel on the inside when I get up just after 5 AM every morning I crawl out of bed. I'm tired (that is makeup under my eyes), feel like I don't have anything put together (including my brain), and I'm lucky to grab my work clothes and matching shoes before I walk out the door. 

Okay, mainly I just really wanted to wear pajama bottoms to work. And it was glorious.

Now that I'm off work, I am going to start planning the novel I'm supposed to start writing tomorrow. Oh well. I'm a procrastinator. But like it's been said, the early bird might get the worm, but the worm who sleeps in late survives.

Or something.

Good luck to all those participating in NaNoWriMo. And to those out and about tonight for Halloween, be safe!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Writing Advice

There are times I enjoy reading advice from other writers. There are other times where the advice given isn't very helpful, or perhaps it's one of those things that I know what they're saying is true, but I have a hard time doing it. (Most will tell you that you must write every day, no matter what, or set a word goal to reach every single day. That's wonderful and important, I think, but I have lost track of how many days I've missed because I've been away from the house, or have company over, or after work I'm just too tired to put thoughts together. It's advice I'd love to follow, but as of yet, I've never done it.)

I've heard of other writers who have the opinion that writing isn't necessarily something you can teach a person to do well. You either have the talent, or you don't. I call bologna on that one. I mean, certainly there will be some that the words and the stories come easier for, but writing, like all arts, improves with instruction and practice and dedication. There have been many books I've read where I've loved them dearly, but then if I scroll long enough down the comments of websites like Amazon, or on apps like Goodreads, I always find at least one person who just doesn't understand why everyone loves the novel. Most people, even if they disagree that the book was worth the hype, are usually rather respectful, but then I'll see reviewers who just drag the book through the mud. They'll complain about the author's ability, they'll insult the characters and plot, they'll do a play-by-play of all the sentences they thought were garbage, etc.. But then there have been moments where I pick up a book I know several people have adored and raved about, and I become that reader who just doesn't understand. I've closed the cover and stared at it, wondering how in the world I was able to read word by word, line by line, and come away with an entirely different opinion than the 4 or 5 star raters on Goodreads. 

Let's not forget to mention that there have been novels I've picked up after a friend recommended them, and though my reading style usually is in line with my friend's, I didn't love the book the way he or she did. 

But that's okay! We're supposed to have similarities and differences. The world would be a boring place if everyone liked the exact same thing (or disliked it). 

I've once described writing like a painting hanging in a museum. As the painting is hung on the wall, and person after person stops to observe it, you will find all sorts of opinions. One person might declare the work a masterpiece, that it's like their heart and soul was painted all over the canvas. Another person might shrug and say they don't mind it. A third person might point out all that the artist should have done differently to improve the painting. Some might like the work as a whole, but there are parts here and there along the surface that were obviously mistakes. Others might say that the painting is ugly, that the person who created it is not a real artist, and that "people will just accept anything as 'art' nowadays." And on the rarer occasion, some might stand by and mock anyone who has the gall to like the painting. "You don't know what real art is."

In the end, the painting exists, there will be lovers and haters and in-betweeners, but there was also a creator, and that creator accomplished something. He or she finished something they were working on, and let the world see it. That's pretty impressive to me.

It's too hard to please the whole world. It's not going to happen! But what we do have is the power to create, and the decision to make on whether or not the world can see that creation.

And even if very few people like the work, at least be proud of it yourself. Because you made it! No one else did. That's yours! Your very own.

If you create something that you don't feel satisfied with, try again. Read advice. Attend a class. Practice more. Absorb as much as you can about the world you wish to be a part of. Keep going. Keep writing! Even if there are times it doesn't come easily, move forward. Push past blocks, do whatever you have to do to help you feel comfortable at your work again. Ask for help. 

I find that having a group of friends who write is very beneficial and fun. Put yourself out there. Talk to people, get feedback, and hey, when you need it, ask for a boost.

NaNoWriMo is nearly upon us. Brace yourselves. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Random Poem

In the east the sun rises
and brightens up the day.
I used to curl under covers
and want to sleep the morning away.
10 o'clock was the perfect time
to rise up from my bed.
But now I sleep in until 8
for there's things to do instead.
I like to read a novel
sitting in a reclining chair.
My favorite days are spent in slow motion
when I have to go nowhere. 
I really need a day off
so tomorrow is good timing.
Reading this, I have decided
I need to work on my rhyming.
It's been a while, I think,
probably a few years in the past
since I've had an instructor
and been in a writing class. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Current Finished Read

One of my favorite authors is Louis L'Amour. I haven't read even a quarter of his books that I want to, but today I finished his memoir, Education of a Wandering Man. Throughout, he reminisces on how he obtained his education (by mainly talking of the books he had read, and also the places he journeyed to). This small snapshot of his life was very interesting to me. Since I've grown up on L'Amour's writing, thanks to having parents who loved to read and had several of his paperbacks, this felt like listening to an old relative or a friend of the family telling me of his life. There were several great quotes that I related to or learned from, and I'm very grateful to add that book to my ever-growing shelf.

I've discovered I do love reading about people's lives, depending, of course, on what happened during them. I'm eager to try another memoir or biography. 

Concentration Out The Door

I haven't been able to do any work at home. Work is draining right now. We're putting in a new system at the store, and my work load there is growing and growing as we encounter more problems. It will work out eventually, it's all just a matter of hanging on long enough to fix the bugs. I'm very frustrated and stressed out, so by the time I get home, I'm exhausted.

Plus I want to socialize with my family, and sometimes it's hard or I feel like it's rude to plug my music in and shut them out. I've heard several writers say to be strict with writing time, that regardless of if someone wants to talk to you, when it's writing time they need to respect that. But still, I don't feel like telling my parents that I can't be bothered to listen to them, or tell my nephew to please leave me be. I love those people! I want to hear what they say (most of the time) and sometimes it's easier having a good conversation with them than staring at a blank document and wondering how in the world I'm going to be a successful writer if I can't even write. Certainly I can't blame them for preventing my work, or my job from draining me, when the problem really lies in the fact I'm just struggling in general.

Also, Mom's cooking dinner, and she chopped onions. Now my eyes burn.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


While I need to do some massive plotting, I have selected my novel and currently have entitled it Dear. I'm excited to start this journey of writing this novel. I'm so grateful to have friends who write and support me in it. 

Bring it on, NaNo!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Happy Belated Birthday to Me

I'm 24! Actually, I turned 24 on Wednesday. This week has been busy with meeting up with friends and celebrating with family. 

I don't feel older, though. It was just another day, only with a lot more people messaging me, and with yummy cupcakes and presents, of course. My birthday is fun, but it doesn't feel overly important. (I do love presents. I will admit that). 

But still, another year older, another year hopefully wiser, and yet another year to make life what I want it to be. I hope 24 is going to be an awesome age.

Also here's one of my presents:

I've wanted a turn table for a bit now, and my family bought me this beautiful one. They also got me three records (Halsey, Nirvana, and Imagine Dragons), and yesterday I bought myself one (another Nirvana one) and Jayna bought me Florence and the Machines. I'm excited to use it more often. 

I also bought myself many, many books... I should really stick to grounding myself from buying books, but sometimes I can't help it. Book buying is a form of therapy.

Here's to the year 24.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Close to Crunch Time

I have discovered through the years that I'm terrible with time management. Some days I go to bed and think, How did I just spend all those hours getting nothing done? To be fair (kind of), I work 40 hours a week, but there are people who work more and manage to do plenty in their time off. 

Here's a list of things I need to get done:

  • I need to plan my NaNoWriMo novel, as November's right around the corner, and I haven't even decided on an idea 
  • I have two friends' novels to edit/finish reading
  • My To-Read bookshelves in my room are packed and there isn't any room for more
  • I have to get my current novel ready for publishing
  • Which means I also need to figure out something for the cover
  • I want to set up a Bookstagram account on Instagram
  • I also want to be using my typewriter more to show off what skill I think I have
  • Exercise. I really want to get in shape
Oh, help me. 

Yesterday was great, though. I felt like I got plenty done at work, and then I was able to enjoy a night out with my family (and Logan's girlfriend) for an early birthday dinner. My birthday's on Wednesday, and I have a feeling this week will be a busy one.

Also, I got my presents early, and I'm so happy. I need to take a good picture, but I got a record player and three records. Love my family! I'm so grateful.

Well, I'm going to figure out something to do before I head to church. My meeting today is at 12:40. Maybe I'll read a book.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Book Challenge

One of my favorite apps is Goodreads, but it's also a curse because it allows me to view so many potentially amazing books. My Want To Read shelf on there is insane! For 2016, I set a goal to read 100 books, which should totally be doable, but I'm struggling. I'm at 71 right now, so I'm a bit behind, and part of me catching up in the past has been due to reading children's stories. 

I'm really feeling the reading bug today. I want to sit down, go nowhere, and curl up with a good book or two. No pressure about being behind on my challenge. Just need to enjoy reading.

I need to finish A Series of Unfortunate Events. I'm on The Grim Grotto. I'm also reading The Great Glowing Coils of the Universe (Welcome to Night Vale Episodes #2) and a Louis L'Amour book, Education of a Wandering Man. The books I have shoved in my To-Read bookshelf are growing, and I need to get a handle on them before I totally overwhelm myself. But who am I kidding? Book shopping in my retail therapy.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Better Day

I'm feeling much better than I was yesterday. Even took care of some responsibilities! It's refreshing being able to check something off the ol' To-Do List. Today's check mark went by "pick up heart medication for my dog, Diego, and take Simba in for his booster shots". 

I think when I do something, and succeed at it without hiccup, it really boosts my confidence. Calling the vet to schedule an appointment isn't all that hard in hindsight, but getting myself to do it can sometimes be more of a hassle than it needs to be. But I feel so much better for having taken care of it. 

Now I'm listening to "Oh, Death" by Jen Titus from Supernatural (Death is one of my favorite characters) and am considering heating me up some hot cocoa. I have a s'more flavor that hits the spot. I really need to start editing my friends' work! I need more hours in the day!


Monday, October 10, 2016

Mood Swings

The odd thing about moods is they really can start out to be in a pleasant state and then shift with no apparent warning to those around you. Today I started with a very nice attitude. I felt happy, even for a Monday morning (once I was at work, because when I first got up I was sick to my stomach from being tired and I overheat myself under the blankets). I was doing so awesome!

And now towards the end of the day, I'm in a very sour mood and even I'm not one hundred percent certain why I chose to feel this way.

I'm trying to change my mood now. I have music in (soundtracks right now) and I want to focus on different worlds than this one for a little while before bed. I've given myself another headache.

I've also decided I want to do something with the title Mood Swings. I don't know what, though. Maybe a zine collection. I've been wanting to put together zines for a bit now. If I have a title, I might be able to go from there.

To a better night!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Pumpkin Painting

I painted pumpkins with my family today. It's a fun tradition, and I usually can't think of anything brilliant to do, but this year I went for a fandom I'm in: Welcome to Night Vale.


Okay, the art is not strong with this one, but I'm proud of what I was able to do tonight. I love Welcome to Night Vale (for anyone who doesn't know, it's a podcast, and it's amazing). I love it so much that I actually wouldn't mind dabbling in some fanfic, but I'm terrible at it, so it's best to just stick with what I do somewhat well. 

Writers' Retreat

I wish I could go on a writers' retreat. If I were to plan one...

It would be at a cabin. Cabins are cozy, and even if they're really close to town, there's something about staying in one that makes you feel like you're away from it all. Breakfast in the morning, computers or notebooks out right after to plan or write. In the afternoons, the group can get together and share what they did that morning. After dinner, maybe one person could prepare a short lesson of sorts on a topic they particularly enjoy with writing (character profiles, outlining, finding inspiration, etc.). 

Or hey, maybe there doesn't have to be a schedule. Maybe people can get up and get going at their leisure, finding places in the cabin to relax, to brainstorm, to really dedicate themselves to their projects. It could be the retreat they need, whatever it is they need, structured or not (though I really like the idea of a tiny lesson after dinner).

And s'mores! There would definitely need to be s'mores.

I just wouldn't mind a weekend getaway devoted to nothing but writing. Maybe it would help me in my struggles.  

Friday, October 7, 2016


I was once a night owl. Actually, if I didn't wake up so early, I'd probably still be a night owl. But ever since I started working morning shifts (6 or 7 AM), I haven't been able to stay up past a certain time. Even on the nights before my day off, I usually wind up in bed no later than eleven. 

Though my status as a night owl has changed, there is one fowl I'll never be: an early bird. I hate mornings. I could try to be poetic and say, "I love the start of the day! It's like beginning a new adventure every time the sun peeks up over the horizon." I'm the Scrooge of mornings, or at least ones that start when it's still dark out and I have to drag my tired bum to work. I like mornings when I can roll out of bed at 8, lounge in the chair and read, or browse online, or even share a conversation with my mom before we have to get ready for our day.

Now that it's getting colder, getting out of bed to go to work is getting harder. I hate saying goodbye to my mattress, but it's worse when I have to say goodbye to the cozy warm spot I was cuddled up in. 

I'm up now, and it's past my bedtime (11:09 as I'm typing this). There is a lot more I want to accomplish before I hit the hay, but since I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow, I need to go. 

To tomorrow's adventure. Cheers. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Yellowstone 2016

I went on an adventure to Yellowstone this weekend and got back yesterday. Jayna's parents own a hotel called The Madison that was pretty awesome to stay at, and I had a lot of fun with the friends that were able to come (Jessica, Karen, Misty, Candalynne, and of course Jayna). We didn't see any bears like we were hoping to, but the area is so pretty. Here's one of the shots I took:

I love mountains and trees, and though it was freezing cold, I loved how stormy it was. Gray skies are some of my favorite, though in this picture the clouds weren't as dark and thick. It's not very often I go on adventures like this, driving through wilderness and taking pictures when I see a great view (or when everyone was being silly, which is a frequent thing when we all get together). One of the best parts of it all was just being away from the same old same. Going to work almost every day, and having the same tasks at the job each time, gets really tiring in a mundane way. Shaking things up a bit was great for me. 

That's a goal I'm setting right now. Not for the New Year, but for right this second. Find more adventure in my life. Make more adventure. It doesn't have to be a five day escape to Yellowstone, but if I can find things to do that puts more excitement in the routine, I need to go for it. I found a quote online that, at least where I found it, was credited to Confucius: "We all have two lives. The second one begins the day you realize you only have one." That's a pretty huge statement, and while the realization that I have only one life to live, at least a mortal one, hits me pretty often, I've yet to do anything about it. Time to make the most of my time.

Also, Jayna sent me edits for my current novel, and I'm very excited by them. I have so much to consider, with this novel and for the one I need to choose for NaNoWriMo. I have a feeling October is going to be over before I know it.

Also my birthday's right around the corner, and I haven't even decided if I'm doing anything for it! 

Until next time.