Sunday, October 16, 2016

Close to Crunch Time

I have discovered through the years that I'm terrible with time management. Some days I go to bed and think, How did I just spend all those hours getting nothing done? To be fair (kind of), I work 40 hours a week, but there are people who work more and manage to do plenty in their time off. 

Here's a list of things I need to get done:

  • I need to plan my NaNoWriMo novel, as November's right around the corner, and I haven't even decided on an idea 
  • I have two friends' novels to edit/finish reading
  • My To-Read bookshelves in my room are packed and there isn't any room for more
  • I have to get my current novel ready for publishing
  • Which means I also need to figure out something for the cover
  • I want to set up a Bookstagram account on Instagram
  • I also want to be using my typewriter more to show off what skill I think I have
  • Exercise. I really want to get in shape
Oh, help me. 

Yesterday was great, though. I felt like I got plenty done at work, and then I was able to enjoy a night out with my family (and Logan's girlfriend) for an early birthday dinner. My birthday's on Wednesday, and I have a feeling this week will be a busy one.

Also, I got my presents early, and I'm so happy. I need to take a good picture, but I got a record player and three records. Love my family! I'm so grateful.

Well, I'm going to figure out something to do before I head to church. My meeting today is at 12:40. Maybe I'll read a book.

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