Friday, October 7, 2016


I was once a night owl. Actually, if I didn't wake up so early, I'd probably still be a night owl. But ever since I started working morning shifts (6 or 7 AM), I haven't been able to stay up past a certain time. Even on the nights before my day off, I usually wind up in bed no later than eleven. 

Though my status as a night owl has changed, there is one fowl I'll never be: an early bird. I hate mornings. I could try to be poetic and say, "I love the start of the day! It's like beginning a new adventure every time the sun peeks up over the horizon." I'm the Scrooge of mornings, or at least ones that start when it's still dark out and I have to drag my tired bum to work. I like mornings when I can roll out of bed at 8, lounge in the chair and read, or browse online, or even share a conversation with my mom before we have to get ready for our day.

Now that it's getting colder, getting out of bed to go to work is getting harder. I hate saying goodbye to my mattress, but it's worse when I have to say goodbye to the cozy warm spot I was cuddled up in. 

I'm up now, and it's past my bedtime (11:09 as I'm typing this). There is a lot more I want to accomplish before I hit the hay, but since I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow, I need to go. 

To tomorrow's adventure. Cheers. 

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