Friday, October 21, 2016

Happy Belated Birthday to Me

I'm 24! Actually, I turned 24 on Wednesday. This week has been busy with meeting up with friends and celebrating with family. 

I don't feel older, though. It was just another day, only with a lot more people messaging me, and with yummy cupcakes and presents, of course. My birthday is fun, but it doesn't feel overly important. (I do love presents. I will admit that). 

But still, another year older, another year hopefully wiser, and yet another year to make life what I want it to be. I hope 24 is going to be an awesome age.

Also here's one of my presents:

I've wanted a turn table for a bit now, and my family bought me this beautiful one. They also got me three records (Halsey, Nirvana, and Imagine Dragons), and yesterday I bought myself one (another Nirvana one) and Jayna bought me Florence and the Machines. I'm excited to use it more often. 

I also bought myself many, many books... I should really stick to grounding myself from buying books, but sometimes I can't help it. Book buying is a form of therapy.

Here's to the year 24.

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