Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year's Eve

Another year has come and almost gone. For many, 2016 was nothing short of a disaster. We had a lot of deaths, tragedies, and the drama of this year's Presidential election has really taken a toll on us. But it hasn't all been bad.

There have been really good days spent with family and friends. I've read good books. Seen good movies. 

I didn't achieve some of my goals, which I'm not surprised about. Honestly, I forgot what they even were. The one that sticks out is reading 100 books. I only read 86. Close, but not quite. I'm going to attempt that one again for 2017.

There are other things I'd like to do. Adventures I'd like to go on, goals I'd like to meet. This time I'm going to type out a list, print it out, and hang it somewhere I can see it every day. I know there are people who don't understand New Year's Resolutions. Most people break them within the first few days. Most, like me, forget them. 

But here's the magic behind a new year. It's a whole year long. 365 days. The amount of opportunity in each day is incredible. We can make a change at any time we desire. 

New Year's Eve is the time to reflect on the past twelve months and decide what could make the next ones even better. Changes could be made, or new goals could be set and achieved. It's exciting to start a new chapter.

So Happy New Year's Eve. And may 2017 be everything you want, and may you have the courage and opportunities to make that happen.   

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Have a Merry Christmas! 

Like every year, this day is passing too quickly. In fact, the whole month seems to have blown by. I can't believe we're already here.

I am grateful for the beautiful gifts I've received from loved ones. I'm even more grateful for the opportunity to give them presents that they love. It's very enjoyable to watch people opening something I've purchased for them, or sometimes made them, and see them smiling because I didn't do too bad of a job. 

I'm trying to keep the reason for the season in my mind and in my heart today. We celebrate the ultimate gift, our Savior, and his birth. 

This year, I'd like to be more like him and love without limits like he did. There are so many lessons to take from Christ, from his service to his patience and his heart. 

2017 has the potential to be as fantastic as I make it. I want to be a better person. I want to bring the sort of happiness into others' lives like a simple thoughtful gift does at Christmas. 

Be safe. Be joyous. Be loving. Be merry.

Happy holidays!

Sunday, December 4, 2016


I love Christmas. Some of the magic has faded over the years, the childlike wonder probably, but it's still my favorite holiday. The lights, the atmosphere, the decorations, the reason for the season, the music, the family parties, and yes, the presents. I won't lie, I love receiving presents. I love unwrapping something someone I love thought I'd like. I also love watching someone I love unwrapping a present I thought they'd like.

This year I wanted to try and resurrect some of the magic. I've bought a little tree and I'm planning on decorating my office at work. I'll also bring alone the little Nativity scene I have.

I want to spread some cheer. I want people who don't even know me to feel a little happier having talked to me. I'm so tired of my negativity, I want to change it, and December is the perfect month to make that change.

And I want to focus more on what this time of year means to me. It's my celebration of the birth of Christ. He was the greatest gift ever given, and he was given in love. 

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


It's the day before Thanksgiving. A lot of people do challenges the entire month of November, where they post what they're grateful for once a day. I should have done something like that, spent more of this month with a thankful attitude for all that I have instead of focusing so much on and complaining about what I don't have. If I made a list of things I don't have in my life compared to what I do, one can definitely tell how fortunate I am.

The biggest "don't have" would probably be: I don't have a clue what I want out of life. That's something I need to figure out ASAP.

But here is a list of what I do:

My family
My friends
Awesome coworkers
A job
A place to live
Money to buy books
My puppies and kitties
Parents who cook delicious food for me to eat
An education
A car
Clothing to keep me warm
A bed
Clean water
Heating and air condition

That's only what I could think of on the top of my head. There are vaguer things, like the fact I usually laugh at least once a day, even on my worst days. 

This is a good life. There are things I wish I would change, but all in all, there's not much to complain about. Especially when I humble myself and realize that I have a life others would want if they could have it. I can always look both ways. I can find someone who has a life I view as better than mine, but there is someone who would love what I have. 

With tomorrow being Thanksgiving, I want to seriously contemplate on the blessings. This year hasn't been the best, but if we keep holding onto the beauty and the light around us, we can't lose hope. 

Happy Thanksgiving. May tomorrow be wonderful. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Short Stories

I already know I need to totally rewrite this current novel. It's awful. But the one positive thing is that it's given me an opportunity to play with short stories. I've always been fascinated by an author's ability to tell a start-to-finish tale in the form of a short story. 

Louis L'Amour wrote many of them. I love his work, but I haven't read many of his collections. I'm more acquainted with his full length novels, but I really need to pick up more of his short stories. That and check out other people's work. If I'm going to start writing more short stories, I'll need to study them a little better.

Originally I pulled up this blog post to complain about writing myself into corners and feeling like a failure at my work and that there are so many brilliant writers out there, and I'm definitely not one of them. What good is that? I love it. I want to get better at it. If I pick something to study, to practice at, I'll improve. But if I just sulk in the kitchen, where I'm writing from the table, I'll never get anywhere. I'll quit.

I can't live with myself if I let that happen. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Glass Half Empty And Getting Lower

I've never been a positive person. For as long as I can remember, I've had self-esteem issues. I don't believe in myself. I tell people I'm realistic, but reality to me is apparently pretty bleak. And you know what? I'm tired of it. It's exhausting to be that negative. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and that's nigh impossible when I block the sun out with my sad rain cloud.

Things are tough right now. Work is not what I want it to be. Dating is... Well, let's just say I've always sucked at dating. Maybe I'm not even ready for commitment.

And it's starting to get cold outside. I hate the cold. My favorite kind of cold is when I can stay in bed, or wrap up in a blanket and read, while the windows frost up and snow blankets the ground. 

What is my life supposed to be like? Whatever I want. What do I want? Nothing and everything. I wish I could be specific. I wish I could be brave enough to go after the things I think I want. I wish I had some clarity.

I need to be more positive. Even when surrounded by many negative circumstances, I have to choose to find the light. 

I'm so tired. But I can get better. I have to believe I can get better. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How To Guide On Writing

So you want to be a writer. How? Allow me to tell you.
Drum roll, please.

You write.

Okay, I'm not the first person to say this. Nor will I be the last. But it seriously is that simple (and complicated). You sit down and you tap into whatever levels of determination you have. There will be days the words come so easily. There will be days you have to force yourself to sit there and continue your plot line.

There will be days that you wonder if you even like writing. There will be days you think you might hate it.

But at the end of the day, the thing that makes you a writer is the act of writing. That no matter what kind of day you're having, be it one where your fingers/pen/pencil are constantly on the move or one where you do more staring than actual working (full of second-guessing yourself and your potential), you just keep going. Ten words or thousands of them, you keep going. 

Right now, I'm having problems. I can't focus. Too much is going on around me. I've wondered if I need to start getting out of the house to write. Sometimes music just isn't enough to block out home life, or maybe I'm more interested in home life than my fictional one. And yeah, if Supernatural is being played on the TV, nothing's getting done. Why would I give myself a headache trying to force words out when I could stare at the Winchesters instead?

So step one, you write. Write always. 

But step two, forgive yourself. If you slip up, if you don't write a single word (I've had many of those days. Yesterday was one of them), forgive yourself. Just go at it again tomorrow. 

Step three, you have got to let go. First drafts are never pretty. They haven't gone through puberty yet. Actually they're not even born! They're stuck in the oven, baking, and nothing looks great when it's still cooking.

Believe in yourself. Believe in the worlds you have in your head. They're beautiful, and they're yours. Those characters are yours. That work is yours. OWN IT! Be proud of it!

You can be a writer. You are a writer! 

Now click off this blog post and write something. 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Behind On Words

I'm several thousand words behind for my novel during this NaNoWriMo. I'm starting to do that thing again where I compare my writing with some of my favorite authors and discourage myself. There's no way I can write as beautifully. My plots are dryer, not as smooth. My characters are one dimensional.

I'll never write something gripping, wonderful, and a fan favorite.

But I can't think like that, or I'll take the love right out of writing. 

It's hard, because I don't know what to do with myself when I feel this way. Plow through it mostly. Work's been very draining lately, making it hard to pump myself up when I get home. Maybe I'll just have to relax more, read more, daydream more. If I don't win this NaNo, that's okay. I still have words I didn't have before.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election 2016

America voted and, well, let's just say that I'm not happy with the results. Although to be honest, if it turned out to be in the other candidate's favor, I wouldn't be happy then either. Still, that being said, there is definitely some scary things happening. I do not trust Trump. I do not like Trump. And I also hate the way the nation is dividing even more.

Hate is a fire that destroys everything it touches. People hating people, a man who leads with hate, it's all destruction. 

But love conquers all. If we as a people remember to love, to be kind, to have courage, to speak against evil, to rise against bullies, to put enemies in their place, then we can win. I pray that we can do that. I pray that we won't let the hate spread, changing targets and tearing us further apart.

This is not what Americans deserve. We deserved better. But we settled for slop. 

Remember this quote? A house divided cannot stand? Well, a house unified can stand anything. 

The world is dark. Become a light. 

Spread that light. Encourage other lights to shine.

Don't give up.

Don't bow down.

Don't allow bullies to stomp over you. Don't turn away if bullies attack the defenseless. 

We know what is right, no matter who our leader is. We know what is right, no matter what voices around us might chant and insist. We know what is right, and as long as we defend it, we will find comrades. We will find friends. We will find fellow human beings who share our values. 

I'm praying for America. I'm praying for the citizens. I'm praying for me, that I can always know what is good and right, that I can have courage, that I will stand firm against the tide as it comes. 

Stay safe, everyone. Stay hopeful. Stay brave. Stay lovely. And look out for each other. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween/NaNoWriMo Eve

Happy Halloween! October is my favorite month, but this year, it just didn't feel the same. I have been very busy, and stressed out from work, but today was a pretty good day.

Yesterday, my friends Jayna and Jessica threw a Halloween party. I didn't know if I was going to go; Saturday I was sick at work and ended up in the doctor's office with my mom, and we both have sinus infections. But I felt good enough Sunday to join in on the fun for a little while. I dressed up like a hunter from one of my favorite TV shows, Supernatural. My dad made me an awesome stake to stab some vampires (actually I was asked a couple times if I was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is also cool with me).

Also, my dad made me feel good by telling me I rocked the look. I did really like wearing the boots I had on with my leather jacket. Made me feel like I could kick some butt! (Although I think anyone who is capable of really kicking butt probably never says it like that, especially not in a blog post.)

Today I wanted to be something different, so I chose to dress up like my biggest foe, the worst monster in the world. Monday.

Some people at work didn't get it, but that's okay. This is how I feel on the inside when I get up just after 5 AM every morning I crawl out of bed. I'm tired (that is makeup under my eyes), feel like I don't have anything put together (including my brain), and I'm lucky to grab my work clothes and matching shoes before I walk out the door. 

Okay, mainly I just really wanted to wear pajama bottoms to work. And it was glorious.

Now that I'm off work, I am going to start planning the novel I'm supposed to start writing tomorrow. Oh well. I'm a procrastinator. But like it's been said, the early bird might get the worm, but the worm who sleeps in late survives.

Or something.

Good luck to all those participating in NaNoWriMo. And to those out and about tonight for Halloween, be safe!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Writing Advice

There are times I enjoy reading advice from other writers. There are other times where the advice given isn't very helpful, or perhaps it's one of those things that I know what they're saying is true, but I have a hard time doing it. (Most will tell you that you must write every day, no matter what, or set a word goal to reach every single day. That's wonderful and important, I think, but I have lost track of how many days I've missed because I've been away from the house, or have company over, or after work I'm just too tired to put thoughts together. It's advice I'd love to follow, but as of yet, I've never done it.)

I've heard of other writers who have the opinion that writing isn't necessarily something you can teach a person to do well. You either have the talent, or you don't. I call bologna on that one. I mean, certainly there will be some that the words and the stories come easier for, but writing, like all arts, improves with instruction and practice and dedication. There have been many books I've read where I've loved them dearly, but then if I scroll long enough down the comments of websites like Amazon, or on apps like Goodreads, I always find at least one person who just doesn't understand why everyone loves the novel. Most people, even if they disagree that the book was worth the hype, are usually rather respectful, but then I'll see reviewers who just drag the book through the mud. They'll complain about the author's ability, they'll insult the characters and plot, they'll do a play-by-play of all the sentences they thought were garbage, etc.. But then there have been moments where I pick up a book I know several people have adored and raved about, and I become that reader who just doesn't understand. I've closed the cover and stared at it, wondering how in the world I was able to read word by word, line by line, and come away with an entirely different opinion than the 4 or 5 star raters on Goodreads. 

Let's not forget to mention that there have been novels I've picked up after a friend recommended them, and though my reading style usually is in line with my friend's, I didn't love the book the way he or she did. 

But that's okay! We're supposed to have similarities and differences. The world would be a boring place if everyone liked the exact same thing (or disliked it). 

I've once described writing like a painting hanging in a museum. As the painting is hung on the wall, and person after person stops to observe it, you will find all sorts of opinions. One person might declare the work a masterpiece, that it's like their heart and soul was painted all over the canvas. Another person might shrug and say they don't mind it. A third person might point out all that the artist should have done differently to improve the painting. Some might like the work as a whole, but there are parts here and there along the surface that were obviously mistakes. Others might say that the painting is ugly, that the person who created it is not a real artist, and that "people will just accept anything as 'art' nowadays." And on the rarer occasion, some might stand by and mock anyone who has the gall to like the painting. "You don't know what real art is."

In the end, the painting exists, there will be lovers and haters and in-betweeners, but there was also a creator, and that creator accomplished something. He or she finished something they were working on, and let the world see it. That's pretty impressive to me.

It's too hard to please the whole world. It's not going to happen! But what we do have is the power to create, and the decision to make on whether or not the world can see that creation.

And even if very few people like the work, at least be proud of it yourself. Because you made it! No one else did. That's yours! Your very own.

If you create something that you don't feel satisfied with, try again. Read advice. Attend a class. Practice more. Absorb as much as you can about the world you wish to be a part of. Keep going. Keep writing! Even if there are times it doesn't come easily, move forward. Push past blocks, do whatever you have to do to help you feel comfortable at your work again. Ask for help. 

I find that having a group of friends who write is very beneficial and fun. Put yourself out there. Talk to people, get feedback, and hey, when you need it, ask for a boost.

NaNoWriMo is nearly upon us. Brace yourselves. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Random Poem

In the east the sun rises
and brightens up the day.
I used to curl under covers
and want to sleep the morning away.
10 o'clock was the perfect time
to rise up from my bed.
But now I sleep in until 8
for there's things to do instead.
I like to read a novel
sitting in a reclining chair.
My favorite days are spent in slow motion
when I have to go nowhere. 
I really need a day off
so tomorrow is good timing.
Reading this, I have decided
I need to work on my rhyming.
It's been a while, I think,
probably a few years in the past
since I've had an instructor
and been in a writing class. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Current Finished Read

One of my favorite authors is Louis L'Amour. I haven't read even a quarter of his books that I want to, but today I finished his memoir, Education of a Wandering Man. Throughout, he reminisces on how he obtained his education (by mainly talking of the books he had read, and also the places he journeyed to). This small snapshot of his life was very interesting to me. Since I've grown up on L'Amour's writing, thanks to having parents who loved to read and had several of his paperbacks, this felt like listening to an old relative or a friend of the family telling me of his life. There were several great quotes that I related to or learned from, and I'm very grateful to add that book to my ever-growing shelf.

I've discovered I do love reading about people's lives, depending, of course, on what happened during them. I'm eager to try another memoir or biography. 

Concentration Out The Door

I haven't been able to do any work at home. Work is draining right now. We're putting in a new system at the store, and my work load there is growing and growing as we encounter more problems. It will work out eventually, it's all just a matter of hanging on long enough to fix the bugs. I'm very frustrated and stressed out, so by the time I get home, I'm exhausted.

Plus I want to socialize with my family, and sometimes it's hard or I feel like it's rude to plug my music in and shut them out. I've heard several writers say to be strict with writing time, that regardless of if someone wants to talk to you, when it's writing time they need to respect that. But still, I don't feel like telling my parents that I can't be bothered to listen to them, or tell my nephew to please leave me be. I love those people! I want to hear what they say (most of the time) and sometimes it's easier having a good conversation with them than staring at a blank document and wondering how in the world I'm going to be a successful writer if I can't even write. Certainly I can't blame them for preventing my work, or my job from draining me, when the problem really lies in the fact I'm just struggling in general.

Also, Mom's cooking dinner, and she chopped onions. Now my eyes burn.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


While I need to do some massive plotting, I have selected my novel and currently have entitled it Dear. I'm excited to start this journey of writing this novel. I'm so grateful to have friends who write and support me in it. 

Bring it on, NaNo!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Happy Belated Birthday to Me

I'm 24! Actually, I turned 24 on Wednesday. This week has been busy with meeting up with friends and celebrating with family. 

I don't feel older, though. It was just another day, only with a lot more people messaging me, and with yummy cupcakes and presents, of course. My birthday is fun, but it doesn't feel overly important. (I do love presents. I will admit that). 

But still, another year older, another year hopefully wiser, and yet another year to make life what I want it to be. I hope 24 is going to be an awesome age.

Also here's one of my presents:

I've wanted a turn table for a bit now, and my family bought me this beautiful one. They also got me three records (Halsey, Nirvana, and Imagine Dragons), and yesterday I bought myself one (another Nirvana one) and Jayna bought me Florence and the Machines. I'm excited to use it more often. 

I also bought myself many, many books... I should really stick to grounding myself from buying books, but sometimes I can't help it. Book buying is a form of therapy.

Here's to the year 24.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Close to Crunch Time

I have discovered through the years that I'm terrible with time management. Some days I go to bed and think, How did I just spend all those hours getting nothing done? To be fair (kind of), I work 40 hours a week, but there are people who work more and manage to do plenty in their time off. 

Here's a list of things I need to get done:

  • I need to plan my NaNoWriMo novel, as November's right around the corner, and I haven't even decided on an idea 
  • I have two friends' novels to edit/finish reading
  • My To-Read bookshelves in my room are packed and there isn't any room for more
  • I have to get my current novel ready for publishing
  • Which means I also need to figure out something for the cover
  • I want to set up a Bookstagram account on Instagram
  • I also want to be using my typewriter more to show off what skill I think I have
  • Exercise. I really want to get in shape
Oh, help me. 

Yesterday was great, though. I felt like I got plenty done at work, and then I was able to enjoy a night out with my family (and Logan's girlfriend) for an early birthday dinner. My birthday's on Wednesday, and I have a feeling this week will be a busy one.

Also, I got my presents early, and I'm so happy. I need to take a good picture, but I got a record player and three records. Love my family! I'm so grateful.

Well, I'm going to figure out something to do before I head to church. My meeting today is at 12:40. Maybe I'll read a book.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Book Challenge

One of my favorite apps is Goodreads, but it's also a curse because it allows me to view so many potentially amazing books. My Want To Read shelf on there is insane! For 2016, I set a goal to read 100 books, which should totally be doable, but I'm struggling. I'm at 71 right now, so I'm a bit behind, and part of me catching up in the past has been due to reading children's stories. 

I'm really feeling the reading bug today. I want to sit down, go nowhere, and curl up with a good book or two. No pressure about being behind on my challenge. Just need to enjoy reading.

I need to finish A Series of Unfortunate Events. I'm on The Grim Grotto. I'm also reading The Great Glowing Coils of the Universe (Welcome to Night Vale Episodes #2) and a Louis L'Amour book, Education of a Wandering Man. The books I have shoved in my To-Read bookshelf are growing, and I need to get a handle on them before I totally overwhelm myself. But who am I kidding? Book shopping in my retail therapy.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Better Day

I'm feeling much better than I was yesterday. Even took care of some responsibilities! It's refreshing being able to check something off the ol' To-Do List. Today's check mark went by "pick up heart medication for my dog, Diego, and take Simba in for his booster shots". 

I think when I do something, and succeed at it without hiccup, it really boosts my confidence. Calling the vet to schedule an appointment isn't all that hard in hindsight, but getting myself to do it can sometimes be more of a hassle than it needs to be. But I feel so much better for having taken care of it. 

Now I'm listening to "Oh, Death" by Jen Titus from Supernatural (Death is one of my favorite characters) and am considering heating me up some hot cocoa. I have a s'more flavor that hits the spot. I really need to start editing my friends' work! I need more hours in the day!


Monday, October 10, 2016

Mood Swings

The odd thing about moods is they really can start out to be in a pleasant state and then shift with no apparent warning to those around you. Today I started with a very nice attitude. I felt happy, even for a Monday morning (once I was at work, because when I first got up I was sick to my stomach from being tired and I overheat myself under the blankets). I was doing so awesome!

And now towards the end of the day, I'm in a very sour mood and even I'm not one hundred percent certain why I chose to feel this way.

I'm trying to change my mood now. I have music in (soundtracks right now) and I want to focus on different worlds than this one for a little while before bed. I've given myself another headache.

I've also decided I want to do something with the title Mood Swings. I don't know what, though. Maybe a zine collection. I've been wanting to put together zines for a bit now. If I have a title, I might be able to go from there.

To a better night!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Pumpkin Painting

I painted pumpkins with my family today. It's a fun tradition, and I usually can't think of anything brilliant to do, but this year I went for a fandom I'm in: Welcome to Night Vale.


Okay, the art is not strong with this one, but I'm proud of what I was able to do tonight. I love Welcome to Night Vale (for anyone who doesn't know, it's a podcast, and it's amazing). I love it so much that I actually wouldn't mind dabbling in some fanfic, but I'm terrible at it, so it's best to just stick with what I do somewhat well. 

Writers' Retreat

I wish I could go on a writers' retreat. If I were to plan one...

It would be at a cabin. Cabins are cozy, and even if they're really close to town, there's something about staying in one that makes you feel like you're away from it all. Breakfast in the morning, computers or notebooks out right after to plan or write. In the afternoons, the group can get together and share what they did that morning. After dinner, maybe one person could prepare a short lesson of sorts on a topic they particularly enjoy with writing (character profiles, outlining, finding inspiration, etc.). 

Or hey, maybe there doesn't have to be a schedule. Maybe people can get up and get going at their leisure, finding places in the cabin to relax, to brainstorm, to really dedicate themselves to their projects. It could be the retreat they need, whatever it is they need, structured or not (though I really like the idea of a tiny lesson after dinner).

And s'mores! There would definitely need to be s'mores.

I just wouldn't mind a weekend getaway devoted to nothing but writing. Maybe it would help me in my struggles.  

Friday, October 7, 2016


I was once a night owl. Actually, if I didn't wake up so early, I'd probably still be a night owl. But ever since I started working morning shifts (6 or 7 AM), I haven't been able to stay up past a certain time. Even on the nights before my day off, I usually wind up in bed no later than eleven. 

Though my status as a night owl has changed, there is one fowl I'll never be: an early bird. I hate mornings. I could try to be poetic and say, "I love the start of the day! It's like beginning a new adventure every time the sun peeks up over the horizon." I'm the Scrooge of mornings, or at least ones that start when it's still dark out and I have to drag my tired bum to work. I like mornings when I can roll out of bed at 8, lounge in the chair and read, or browse online, or even share a conversation with my mom before we have to get ready for our day.

Now that it's getting colder, getting out of bed to go to work is getting harder. I hate saying goodbye to my mattress, but it's worse when I have to say goodbye to the cozy warm spot I was cuddled up in. 

I'm up now, and it's past my bedtime (11:09 as I'm typing this). There is a lot more I want to accomplish before I hit the hay, but since I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow, I need to go. 

To tomorrow's adventure. Cheers. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Yellowstone 2016

I went on an adventure to Yellowstone this weekend and got back yesterday. Jayna's parents own a hotel called The Madison that was pretty awesome to stay at, and I had a lot of fun with the friends that were able to come (Jessica, Karen, Misty, Candalynne, and of course Jayna). We didn't see any bears like we were hoping to, but the area is so pretty. Here's one of the shots I took:

I love mountains and trees, and though it was freezing cold, I loved how stormy it was. Gray skies are some of my favorite, though in this picture the clouds weren't as dark and thick. It's not very often I go on adventures like this, driving through wilderness and taking pictures when I see a great view (or when everyone was being silly, which is a frequent thing when we all get together). One of the best parts of it all was just being away from the same old same. Going to work almost every day, and having the same tasks at the job each time, gets really tiring in a mundane way. Shaking things up a bit was great for me. 

That's a goal I'm setting right now. Not for the New Year, but for right this second. Find more adventure in my life. Make more adventure. It doesn't have to be a five day escape to Yellowstone, but if I can find things to do that puts more excitement in the routine, I need to go for it. I found a quote online that, at least where I found it, was credited to Confucius: "We all have two lives. The second one begins the day you realize you only have one." That's a pretty huge statement, and while the realization that I have only one life to live, at least a mortal one, hits me pretty often, I've yet to do anything about it. Time to make the most of my time.

Also, Jayna sent me edits for my current novel, and I'm very excited by them. I have so much to consider, with this novel and for the one I need to choose for NaNoWriMo. I have a feeling October is going to be over before I know it.

Also my birthday's right around the corner, and I haven't even decided if I'm doing anything for it! 

Until next time. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Talents I Wish I Had

I'm very fortunate for the talents I have, but there are many things I wish I was good at. Some of them I could probably find the skill improved with learning, hard work, and determination, but we'll put determination on the list of talents I wish I had.

  • Singing - I do okay, but I wish I had a super unique and amazing voice, and the ability to rock melodies and harmonies 
  • Playing a musical instrument - Once upon a time, I learned the clarinet for two years, but I gave it up. I wish I could play the piano, the guitar, the bass, and the ukulele. Maybe the drums. 
  • Art - I wish I could draw and paint. I know it drives artists nuts when people say they were just born with the ability because it actually takes a lot of hard work to develop skill, but still, to some it seems to come easier than others. I make one good stick figure, though
  • Acting - Sometimes I fantasize about being in movies, not for the fame but just for the fun of being a part of something like that. I was in a play once in 7th grade and did pretty good for a kid, but beyond that I'm not even sure how well I'd do. I admire people who can completely throw themselves into a role
I even wish I was better at writing, but with that I'm doing it as much as possible (or at least I'm setting a goal to work at it more). Everyone has strengths, everyone weaknesses, and that's what makes the world such an interesting place.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A List of Positive Things

The world can be such a dark place, and the road can be difficult. I want to write a list of positive things.

  • Leaves changing color in the autumn
  • Hot chocolate
  • Blankets
  • Pumpkin spice
  • Books
  • Composition notebooks
  • The smell of ink from my pens
  • An unexpected present
  • Getting packages in the mail
  • Hanging out with a friend
  • Waking up early on my day off and realizing I can sleep longer
  • Cold mornings I have nowhere to be and can stay warm and cozy in bed
  • Babies giggling
  • Good hair days
  • Random compliments
  • NaNoWriMo
  • My writing group
  • The Lord of the Rings extended movies marathon
  • Dates with my mom
  • Conversations with my brothers
  • Sitting in the car with my dad on an ice cream run
  • Chinese food
  • Corn mazes
  • My nephew telling me he loves me
  • Dance parties when I'm home alone
  • Finding new music
  • Stretching sore muscles
  • Taking pictures
  • Finishing writing a novel
  • Wind
  • Thunderstorms
  • Gray and yellow
  • Fandoms
  • Making someone laugh

Election 2016

I've never been more terrified of candidates for the President of the United States. From the Republican party, we have Donald Trump, who is one of the worst choices I've ever seen and I can't understand how he managed to be the Republican candidate to this day. He's vile, he's insulting, he's loud (and he'll say whatever to get his supporters pumped up even if he doesn't understand it himself). Trump is not a good man. From the Democratic party, we have Hillary Clinton, and I don't care that she's a woman and it would be a great moment in history for women to have one elected as President, because she is a traitor and has blood on her hands. She should be in prison, not running for our nation's leader. Honestly, I think this whole thing's a ploy, because the only way Clinton would have a chance of winning is if her opponent is literally the worst possible choice, and look here, we just happen to have such an opponent. 

I do not feel good about this race. Even if my voice is not heard by the vote I do cast, I will vote as I see best, as my conscience tells me. We have a fool and a criminal. There's very little patriotism left. There is violence and hatred. There is a huge divide in the country.

I hate talking politics, truly I do. Part of the reason is I don't feel as knowledgeable as I should be, so I don't want to just spit off incorrect information and argue points that really don't exist. The other reason is I do respect other people's rights to choose, and I know their opinions will not always match mine. I never want to make someone feel like they're stupid, or being fooled, or that they're lesser than me. But it is impossible to avoid talking about this race, as it's going to have such a massive impact on our country, as well as the rest of the world. 

We the people should have risen together and demanded worthy candidates. But we the people are no longer a people united. We're two different sides, yelling louder and louder trying to be heard. Everything is going to fall apart. 

Monday, September 26, 2016


I am closer to publishing my second novel, and I'm very excited and nervous. It has had positive feedback from my beta readers, and though I still have things I want to work on, I'm pretty proud of it. More details as the publishing date draws closer (though no date is set in stone).

On that note, I'd just like to say how grateful I am for the people in my life willing to read my work. Some mainly respond to how they enjoyed the story as a whole, others give it a thorough look-through to catch typos and grammar mistakes, but I need both to help motivate me. Without the support from family and friends (most of which are fellow writers), I don't think I'd get as far as I am.

Today I said goodbye to my other blogging site, tumblr. I could make a list to explain my decision to write a last post there, but in the end, I have spent much time on it and I'm ready to devote my time elsewhere. I've had fun on it, but there was also a negative feeling every time I logged on (not directed at me, but there was definitely a lot of negativity on the site). I want to focus on my writing, my reading, and blogging here as I get more personal when I type up text posts. 

These past few months, I've spent time with my family and friends, as I enjoy doing, and I'm also starting to reconnect at church, getting myself to go more often. I've enjoyed the couple of Sundays I went to the single's ward. (Still not dating, though lately I've wondered if I need to start working on me, deciding what I want, before I pursue relationships). There are a lot of questions I have, anxieties I feel, doubts that live inside me, and I want to know what would make me happy. That's my quest: happiness.

(Yes, I know happiness is a journey, not a destination, but who doesn't say they want to find what makes them happy?)

Oh, and I have a kitten now. His name is Simba. 

My brother, Braden, got him for his son, Kason, but they weren't able to keep him. Kason loves The Lion King and named him Simba, so I kept the name. 

Simba's a little bit of a devil. He likes to bring in grasshoppers to practice hunting, but his other favorite pastime is lying under my foot so I could rub his back while he paws at the carpet and sucks on it like he's nursing. I love him, even when he drives me crazy.

Life has been good. I'm going to Yellowstone with my friends this weekend, and NaNoWriMo will be here in November; I need to pick an idea and plan it out. My birthday's also coming up, and I'll be 24. I can't believe that!

To happiness. To finding it and choosing it. 

Thursday, June 30, 2016

July's Camp NaNoWriMo

Last post was about April's Camp NaNoWriMo, and now here I am, waiting for midnight so July's Camp can begin. Has it really been that long? It doesn't feel like it.

Time seems to be passing faster than it has ever before. I think it must be my age. The older I get, the blurrier life gets as it races by. It's a little terrifying. 

I'm excited for my project this Camp. I'm tackling fantasy, which I have dabbled in with past projects, but I've never gotten very far with anything I've messed around with. Once upon a time, I was trying to write a fantasy trilogy (which blew chunks), and then moved on to a different series (which I never finished), but that was so long ago I can barely remember how it felt to be immersed in the world of magic. 

Past books were about planets with fire-breathing serpents, or children visiting their grandfather and realizing they're sorcerers. This is going to be much different. This book will be a stand-alone novel about witches. Unfortunately I'm not very planned out for it being the day before NaNo, so I'm hoping to sit down and crank out some basic outlines before midnight.

I haven't been able to write for months. This project is going to change that. I know it. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

April's Camp NaNoWriMo

I planned a novel for this past April's Camp NaNoWriMo. For Camp NaNo, you choose your project (editing, novel, screenplay, etc.) and your word count. I didn't think I was being unreasonable when I set a goal for 30,000 words, especially considering November's NaNoWriMo is set at 50,000 words and I've managed that before.

It was such a struggle. I found myself completely unable to write anything from the notes I had plotted out. My characters wouldn't work with me, everything I typed sounded forced and terrible, and I had zero drive. So I won April's NaNo by writing personal entries and fan fiction using one of my friend's characters in her book combined with original characters of my own (created for the fan fiction world).

Since then, I've hardly written anything at all. It's like something has sucked all motivation and ideas out of me. I'll have flashes of scenes, but I can't do anything with them. I pull up a word document, stare at it for a few minutes, and then exit out because my head hurts and my heart's growing heavy with discouragement. I don't know what's happened to me. I don't know where this has come from. I've had bad cases of writer's block before, but this feels like it's never going to end.

We have a second Camp NaNo in July, and I'm terrified how I'm going to manage participating in it and it's still a couple months away. I keep telling myself that I'll fight my way through this, but with everything else going on in my life, that seems so exhausting.

Today I'm going to try and stir things up. Maybe I can find a character's voice that really sticks out to me, and maybe, just maybe, they'll tell me their story while they're at it. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Using Writing as Therapy

Okay, so here’s the issue I’m currently having. I don’t want to write. Which is absurd, because I love writing, and it’s always been a thing I’ve done to have fun and escape. I’m good at it (normally) so I don’t understand what the problem is. I’ve had many stories in my head for a long time now, with unique characters who I’ve been very curious to develop, and I’ve always been excited for NaNoWriMo (even the camping ones).

But right now I’m stuck. Horribly stuck. Not even just with this document I’m currently on. I can’t make myself write. I can’t make myself think about stories of my own. I was having an amazing day today, where I chose positivity. I was cheerful going into work, I was thinking about the future, I was fantasizing about my life (which I haven’t done in forever), and I told myself how good today would be. A new hair and nails place opened up next to my work, so I went in for a trim, came home, finished a good book, and am currently participating in a group Virtual Write In with my close friends on Facebook.

And my chest feels tight. Not like someone’s sitting on it, but like there’s a blob of something thick, something solid that got stuck near my heart. It doesn’t move. I can still breathe around it, and that’s a plus, but I can’t break it up. The more I try to think about what I want to write, the more I try to come up with thoughts that aren’t my own but a character’s thoughts but are actually technically my own since the character is fictional and can’t have their own thoughts without me pretending to be them and coming up with the thoughts for them—deep inhale. The more I try to do that which I’ve always done and loved and been good at, the bigger that thing grows, and suddenly I’m starting to convince myself that I’m not a writer at all. I’m a phony. Real writers don’t go through this, right? They plunge ahead, eagerly anticipating their next chapter, and if writer’s block hits them, they go for a run or drink something hot, maybe do a few writing warm ups and prompts, and then they find the courage to go on. (I’m sure they wished it was that easy.)

I want to write. I do! I’ve always wanted to write.

So why am I struggling? Why do all my ideas feel shallow, dumb, impossible? Why am I bored with my characters before I even start to work with them?

Why do I want to log off the computer and just find a book that’s already been written to read so I don’t have to think about my dreams dying from an illness I haven’t diagnosed? I call it an illness because sometimes I really do feel sick.

There has got to be something wrong with me. I want to write. I just don’t want to write.

That doesn’t make sense!

I’ve tried to approach the subject with my friends, and they give me good advice. Truly, they do, but it doesn’t work like that. When something in my mind has already decided I’m going to fail, telling it that it’s lying doesn’t shut it up. So my body responds by crashing.

Come on, girl! You got this! You’re a writer. You’ve self-published a novel that, while not read by a lot of people, was still well-received by the ones who did read it! You’ve got worlds living in you, lives that will never actually be alive until you put them on paper!

There had to have been a time I’ve felt this horrible with writing. I hope there has been, because if so, I’ve obviously worked through it before. I’ve gotten better before.

This just feels different. I’m scared.

One good sign is I’m still writing, just not novels. Look at this bad boy I’ve managed to conjure up! The words are there. I can type up a blog post, or mini scenes of fanfic with a friend, but when it comes to sitting down before the blank document that is meant to be my novel (or in the case of the document I’m currently typing in, it’s 15 pages worth of a story that might not see the light of day for a long time), I freeze. My mind goes blank. Here comes the static.

Oh, if only there was static. Static’s too loud. It would give me something to think about other than the chasm that rips open in my brain when I’m about to be a novelist.

See, I smile inside when I say to myself, “You’re a novelist.” That sounds fancy. Important. And I want that title. I want someone to say, “What do you do for a living?” and I answer, “Oh, I’m a novelist. I have this many novels.”

Realistically, I’ll probably have a day job, too. Writers don’t always make enough to support themselves on their craft alone, and I doubt many self-published ones do.

Then I realize I shouldn’t have self-published because it’s too stressful, and how are you supposed to get people to read your novel when they cringe at the words “self-published” because surely that means your work wasn’t good enough for an actual publisher to look at! (That’s not true, FYI. I’m sure there are many brilliant books that were self-published. Wouldn’t dare to call mine brilliant, but I didn’t even bother trying to find an editor. Maybe I got caught up in the excitement of having a book out so quickly.)

After that, I chastise myself. Why regret my decision? Take pride in it! You worked your butt off to get that book completed. You painted your own cover! The people who have read it did so because you told them about it yourself. You put yourself out there!

I try to be encouraging. And I’ll feel a little better about my decision, and I’ll decide that I’m glad I self-published so I could truly own my book.

Which is likely, if I keep this garbage up, to be the only book I ever publish.
 Cue the cycle to start over.

            I want to write.
            I can’t write.
            I suck at writing.
            No one reads the book I have out.
            Why did I self-publish again?
            Because I suck at writing.
            I can’t write.
            I don’t want to write.
            Yes I do.

Whew, I exhaust myself. I worry that I bother my friends, typing out the same woes over and over, and they’re good about talking to me, but in the end they have nothing to fix my problem. The solution lies within myself and my determination.

Determined isn’t exactly a word I’d use to describe myself. Negative. That would be more like it. Likes things easy. It’s hard to fail at something that’s easy.

A coward.

Ah, so we’ve found an underlying problem, the one that probably causes most my issues, from anxiety and depression to my inability to take charge of my life to my writing failures. I’m afraid.

I’m always afraid. I’m afraid I can’t. I tell myself that over and over again. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. And my body believes me. My soul believes me.

I can’t write. I can’t dream. I can’t go back to school. I can’t find a job I’d actually like going to. I can’t fall in love. I can’t drive outside my rectangle (I hate driving, it gives me anxiety). I can’t schedule my own doctor’s appointment to finally ask about whether or not I’d be benefited from medication for mental illness. I can’t be positive. I can’t be happy. I can’t.

When did this change? I’ve been mentally ill for at least eight years, some bouts serious and others just as subtle as a bug bite I’m trying to ignore (don’t touch it; it will only itch worse). But when did it start affecting my life this much?

I can’t want things. I don’t want things.

Since when? Who doesn’t want anything?

I want to be happy. I want to be positive. I want to be able to do things like schedule doctor’s appointments and going on dates and meeting people and driving around wherever I want to go. I want to find a career I’d be happy with, and to have an education. I want to fall in love and share my life with someone. I want to want. In the end, that is the thing I want most. I want to want, to feel that desire that is so strong I can say, “Screw you, fear! You don’t control me.”

But it does control me. It controls me with the word “can’t.”

So I say I can’t write, and it’s probably a fear of something. I can’t tell if I’m afraid to suck at writing, or if I’m afraid of something else in life and it’s sending me into a depressive state, making it hard to write and find pleasure in the things that have made me happy.

Everything in my life is connected. One thing affects the other. It makes it hard to pinpoint individual problems.

Who knew I’d start talking about severe writer’s block and end up pouring all these words out on my mental state? I didn’t.

But hey, it helped me win a word war (friends and I wrote for fifteen minutes quickly, trying to get as many words as possible). And the blob in my chest isn’t there anymore.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Monday (3/21/16), our sweet poodle, Blue, passed away suddenly. He was sick on Sunday, then gone between 4 and 5 in the morning. I found him under my bed.

Blue was a good boy. I will miss him spinning in circles and barking when the M*A*S*H theme played at night because he knew it was almost time for bed and he wanted his goodnight treat. He would keep spinning and barking while everyone was still up, whether he already got a treat (or two, or three). 

He was a cuddly dog. His favorite spot was either on my mom's lap or on the other recliner. Sometimes I'd try to sit there, but he'd sneak behind me and steal most the cushion. Sometimes I'd move so he could take up the whole recliner, and he'd look at me as if he was saying, "Finally."

We'd get in the occasional staring contest. Blue never blinked.

When he wasn't ready to be out and about on the mornings I didn't have to work but my mom had to be up before me, he'd come lay in bed. 

He was such a momma's boy, too. Wherever my mom went, he was sure to follow. We loved him. Until we meet again, Blue Bear. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sometimes I worry that I spend so much effort not saying things that the words are beginning to hide away deep inside where even I can't find them. I've never been one for conflict, for speaking up, and I'm very doubtful that what I have to say actually does any good. Now I'm struggling to even put words into fiction. What is happening?

Sunday, February 28, 2016


Last night I forced a little story out, and it felt good. I'm not cured from...whatever it is I'm suffering, but it was more than I've done in weeks.

Today, I finished reading Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl, which was amazing by the way, and it inspired me to get on and attempt to write more. Who knows what I might end up with tonight? I don't have a lot of time, but maybe something good will happen at my fingertips.

Though I'm envious of Rowell's abilities. Seriously, she had me with every page. I wish I could write nearly as good.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


There’s this thing
in me.
It shifts and stretches,
and I can’t
I fidget,
try to get comfortable,
but it’s growing,
and no position I sit in
relaxes me.
I feel like I can
reach my fist
into my chest
and feel something solid there.
Pull it out!
I get hot.
Everything’s too loud.
Shut up.
Just shut up!
This thing inside of me
twists with anger,
with irritation.
Everything bothers me,
from the hair pressing
against my neck
to the people I love
to my own loud thoughts.
The thing expands,
my ribs creaking as it pushes
from inside.
So heavy.
I’m at peace
when I sleep
because then I can ignore it.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Writer Friends

It is so incredibly awesome to have a group of friends who write. We have conversations throughout the week about what we're working on, the struggles, the excitement, and we offer advice, critiques, edits, etc.

My friend and fellow author, Jayna Ostler, just published her fourth novel, Seven Cities, through and released it yesterday at a book signing. It was her first signing, and she acted like a pro. It's so wonderful for her! She sold copies, both of the new release and her three prior novels, and was able to promote herself to several people. She's very courageous about putting herself out there, and I hope that she is able to promote her work just as (if not more) successfully in the future.

Way to go, Jayna! Good luck!

Sunday, February 14, 2016


What is love? My first response is, "Baby, don't hurt me." Now that Haddaway is going to be stuck in my head the remainder of the evening, I think on this question more seriously. What is love?

No matter what kind of love we're talking about--from your family, from your lover, from your friend--there are qualities that are the same. There are words to go along with the idea of love. Kindness, selflessness, patience, empathy, forgiveness, understanding... When you love someone, you want to spend time with them, you value them, you listen to them, you put them first above other things that aren't as important, you put just as much effort into whatever kind of relationship you have as they do, you encourage them, you help them grow, you grow for them, too. You're there for them, you hurt when they hurt, you're happy when they're happy, and you'd do all you can to make them smile, to heal their wounds, to make them feel important.

I'm blessed with family and friends who love me. 

However, I've never been in love with a man, and I don't know how the romantic version of love really feels, But this is what I imagine...

That when I know I'm going to see him that day, I'm excited. When he messages me, I smile, happy to talk to him. When he holds me, I feel warm and safe, that I'm just as comfortable with him as I would be by myself. I'd rather be with him than by myself, actually, and that'll be a big deal for me. There will be laughter, easygoing conversation or conversation where we both have so much to say that it goes on for hours. but then there will be moments of quiet where we're relaxed and able to enjoy time together without filling it with chatter. When I see him pull up to my house, my heart will beat a little faster. When he kisses me, I'll lean in with just as much enthusiasm, and maybe--just maybe--the world will tilt beneath me for even the slightest moment. I picture love to be comfortable, exciting, peaceful, certain... A good thing, not something that causes me stress, not something that I feel I'm forcing myself into.

When we fight, we might turn from each other to cool off, but we'll never go without apologizing and reaching a solution. When I feel poorly, psychologically or otherwise, I'll feel I can talk to him and I'll want to, even. 

Good. It'll feel good. It won't be the answer to every problem I have, it won't cure me of the ailments I suffer through, but it will be one of many lights to my life. I'll be happy.

Love is good. Happy Valentine's Day. May you celebrate love--and don't stop after today. Make love our celebration all through the year and whatever days follow it.